Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Somewhere far from here, leaving a lot of genuine charm
Memories don't fade away, thoughts perhaps fly
Pictures don't fade away, the frames turn into ply
Logical realities are beyond negotiations
While friends that we made become distant realisations
New places have their own attractions
But right now they are quite like refractions
Faith has to be without questions they say
A true believer always gets his way. Sphere: Related Content
Friday, July 22, 2011
A simple Mutton Mince Curry
Since I am making it just now I thought I would write down the ingredients and process.
1 Kg Mutton Mince (Not Lamb please) - Washed and drained
3-4 Cloves
1 Bay leaf
3 tsp Garlic Paste
1 tsp Ginger Paste
1/2 inch Cinnamon Stick
4 Green Cardamoms
3 tsp Kashmiri Chilly Powder(Less Heat More Colour!!)
3/4 tsp Turmeric Powder
1 Medium sized Tomato
2 Medium Sized Potatoes
1 Medium sized Onion
1/2 Cup or more Oil (Depends upon your tolerance ..3/4th cup will be good)
1. Peel and Cut Potatoes into small cubes.
2. Heat the Oil in a P Cooker
3. Fry potatoes and when done keep aside for later use
4. In the same oil now put in the Bay Leaf, Cloves and Cardamoms.
5. Fry the onion until Golden Brown
5. Put in the Diced Tomato
6. Saute over medium heat and when tomato water dries up, put in the pastes.
8. Saute and when the oil leaves the masala(that mash in the cooker), throw in the Mince.
9. Now increase the heat and some amount of water would come out of the meat. Stir a few times so that the meat does not get stuck. It would when the water has completely dried up and that's the time you pour in hot water...the level about 1/2 inch above the mince!! This is the time when you add in Salt!!
10. Put on the lid and the weight and leave it on full heat.
11. On the first whistle lower the heat and cook for 4-5 minutes max.
11. Open the cooker(for opening - pour cold water on the cooker for the steam inside to relax , alternatively place the cooker under a running tap and then take off the lid)
12. Put in the forgotten fried potato cubes and stir it in. On popular demand I have put some peas also. (Microwaved the frozen peas at 450W for about 5 minutes with little water and salt). Increase the heat and let the thing boil for a minute and no more!!!
That’s it. 30 minutes of my time in the Kitchen for a reasonable dinner!!! In the meantime Rice would have got cooked and would have heated some left-overs!!
Sphere: Related ContentTuesday, July 19, 2011
Mud Rocks while Brook Shields
We all watched Reality TV at its best today evening as it was being played out in the British Parliament located near WaterLoo station in Central London. The motley crew of well prepared British MPs grilled the Murdochs for about two hours or more along with Rebekkah Brooks. Earlier we also saw the Police Commissioner deceiving the team with uhs and oohs and a lot of Negatives.
The questions were quite relevant and tricky but at the end of it the performance was of an extreme high order. The Senior Murdoch thumped the table and denied most of the allegations and suppositions. The Son you could make out was well trained to try and divert most questions or beat around the bush and he did manage that except for a few small hiccups. The commissioner was blatantly lying while Brooks knew nothing at all.
Why was this important in the first place? First of all it was in an alien country and it was all about a racy tabloid that apparently bribed the police for hacking phones and computers of celebrities and others to expose private sleaze. We were of course interested since these things happen in India too and that’s the similarity. More than anybody else it was the Press who were in focus themselves.
Debates were on throughout the evening on how are JPC proceedings should also be telecast. I feel they should so that a) preparation is proper b) relevant questions are asked c) the proceedings are objective and we as common man can then absorb and think and judge or opine about our leaders. This would be an important democratic process where we as Mango People (Aam Janta) can be actively participating and not wait for 5 years like dumb asses.
I always feel that the process is more important than the outcome. We all know about the outcome whether positive or negative but the process is where we go through the cycles of success and failure which is KARMA.
So it is really not important to me that we did not get any answers from the Murdoch’s and their team. Now that we have seen the act, don’t we know the “truth” in some form in spite of the investigations still due.
And somebody did raise the question about the pie throwing incident being a setup!! Anything is possible these days. Surprises are the order of the day.
Sphere: Related ContentMonday, July 18, 2011
Cold Fire
The scenario is same, whether it's X or Y City or Place. However, we can safely with the help of Theory of Probability calculate the risks and come to a conclusion that whether you like it or not Mumbai is definitely a High Risk Category. Now this is not new since these started in the early nineties.
Its about 4 days now since the last event happened. Print journalists have written or still writing about the event. They are writing about the anger, pain, spirit and resolve of the Mumbaikars. TV journos did zero on the place and asked questions to the common man. Some did not like the intrusion and a particular gentlemen on a talk show almost made it a Delhi vs Mumbai fight!!
The TV programs are still at it. Yesterday I watched We the People where an insipid ex DGP of police made some ridiculous comments on Govt purchasing processes while the Time Out Editor totally missed the point on Mahesh Jethmalani's premise of India learning from USA regarding beefing up preventive security measures internally!! Some said we have to live with it, while some said we should wake up and do something. But overall the atmosphere was of despair except that of the compere's last piece of act, where she questioned this hapless blast victim. People cried, TRP soared. All along NDTV knew that he had a story to say, kept him for the last when there was no time left. A planned climax!!
The politicians as usual have been vomiting out stereo type statements on courage and resolve. A PM takes 24 hours to comment and the Home Minister says there was no Intel and that's not a failure!! Rahul Gandhi's percentage comment came at the wrong time and the best would be to ignore him.
So where does the common man go? Processes are interrelated and the me and you don't understand them. The worst part is that we seem to have all the answers. The ruling party has the answers, the oppositions have them, the celebrities have them, the "civil society" has them, the poets have them, the NGOs have them, the talk shows have them. The common man however has to earn his bread and go on with life. I guess there is no more frustration. There is just this seething anger in the person going out for his daily job, while we wait for the next blast.
Can't we change the pattern? Sphere: Related Content
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Music of the Sand
The man in the oasis had a flute in his hand.
Was he a pied piper playing alone on the sand.
A storm was on its way, the desert clouds of dust!
Which tune was it? His mind was sorting the past.
The scorpion on the ground ran to find a hiding place
The rock that was there was the only saving grace.
An old desert song was lurking in his thoughts
And the scorpion underneath was looking for the slots.
Divine was the flute and the sound was magical.
The wind calmed down , the air was surreal.
Kept on playing the flute until the desert moon shined
I belong here said he, and the desert has a mind!!
Sphere: Related ContentThe Curse of Freedom
Without fail repeatedly comes the evening daily
The dusk caresses the feelings of mine rather lonely
Questions there are – answers I do not have
Often they are just queries, replies I do not crave
The lamp flickers like the hopes in my mind,
The shadows trying to bring my thoughts to a grind.
The window is beyond reach and its rather too high
My connection with the world is just that little sky.
Tomorrow I am going to leave, I would be free
This is home now, from there I don’t know where to flee!!
Sphere: Related ContentThursday, July 7, 2011
The Last Smile
The room was full, all surely for my sake.
Looked around, found all near and dear
Saw your eyes from behind trying to peer.
Flowers and cards strewn all over the place
Scattered thoughts of mine that I could’nt trace.
Memories of events flashed by - good and bad
They were the possessions that I really had.
You came by and sat for a while
My spirits really soared – more than a mile.
Held on to my hand where I felt your hidden fears
I just smiled and then traveled the destined tiers. Sphere: Related Content
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The inside was dark and hazy.
He could hear the shells at a distance.
Slowly he nudged the door with the nozzle.
And then he saw.
A small boy.
Lay beside him was a body.
The boy was startled.
The soldier screamed " Don't Move".
The boy mumbled.
The gun was pointed at the boy,
Then he shot him. Twice!!
This is war!! You have to kill!! Sphere: Related Content
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Fly Away
I would soar over all far and nearby
I would be able to talk to the cloud
Then feel the pure rain and be proud
I could travel beside a Siberian Crane
Listen to the bird and feel its pain
I could visit places I am fond of
Without fear of controls that scoff
I could see the oceans and seas
Hover on the lands and trees
Could go and see my distant love
Make my home all over and above!! Sphere: Related Content
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Your Love!
That sweet kiss of your love
That embrace of your love
That warm feeling of your love
That silly laugh of your love
That stupid frown of your love
That twitch of an eye of your love
That holding hands of your love
That final moment of your love Sphere: Related Content
Feelings is life.
Life is emotion.
Emotion is in me and you.
You are my friend.
Friends are forever.
Forever we are bound.
Bound by rituals.
Rituals emanate from religions.
Religion is personal.
Personal is always part of a group.
Group does not like loners.
Loners do speak out sometimes.
Sometimes we listen.
Listen to the inner voice.
Voice of the people.
People are still talking! Sphere: Related Content
The Delivery Boy
They say there is a sandstorm.
He is searching for an address.
He is walking about in the hot sun.
His eyes trying to read the house numbers.
He is perhaps feeling thirsty.
He is perhaps a bit lost.
He is worried that he is getting late.
His mobile phone is ringing.
He refuses to accept the call,
He is getting tired.
He looks up at me.
He just gets a smile and a nod.
He moves on.
I move on!! Sphere: Related Content
Sometimes you fall off the bay
Sometimes you are left behind
Sometimes you are ahead of the bind
And then you meet this man.
Sometimes you are full of sorrow
Sometimes others joy you cannot borrow
Sometimes you are full of thirst
Sometimes you fall on the dust
And then you meet this man.
Sometimes your joy knows no bound
Sometimes your music has no sound
Sometimes you see death on the bed
Sometimes birth is all you have prayed
And then you meet this man.
Sometimes you stretch out and yell
Sometimes you feel the pain of hell
Sometimes you are so full of laughter
Sometimes you forget beyond and after
And then you meet this man. Sphere: Related Content
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Delhi University cut off - 100% - Joke? Bad System?
1, No. of Quality educational institutions commensurate with growth of population.
2. It is a leftist comment, but to me basic education should be state sponsored with possible JVs with the private sector. Higher Education should be opened up liberally with controls.
3. Pay scales of teachers/profs should be on par.
And on a more social note, we are taught about class divides right from childhood. Rich vs Middle vs Poor. Reg Medium vs English Medium. Municipal Schools, Convent Schools, Private schools. Castes, race, language....we are confused adults providing opinions with huge brain backlogs.
We need some manthan(churn) in our minds. Pray for it, at least!!
Everything in this country, you have to look further and implement your policies now. Short cuts never work and never will. Imagine the plight of the institution. How will they evaluate? Another alternative is to start separate entrance exams. But that's just putting another hurdle to cross a faulty hurdle.
Marking systems in our country except perhaps literature or subjects like that is based on theory and not applicability of theories in real life, Project based work should be emphasized on. Not a system where at the end of 2-4-6 whatever years you go and vomit stuff.
There are multiple issues and eery one them you have to think through. We always compromise with the "jugad" mentality and that our major problem!!
We can also talk about criteria of selection, So when SRCC for example is taking in students for Commerce and Accounts how does it matter whether I have really mastered Macbeth or not!!
Sphere: Related ContentMonday, June 6, 2011
Government playing funny games
Baba's tamasha going up in flames.
Lathi charge on sleeping folks
Admin killing supporters hopes.
Baba now in Hardwar
Kiran, Anna should stay afar.
Baba needs to come clean for sure
Govt need not have been so immature.
Common Public is always gullible
Suffer from dilemma on what’s feasible.
Baba should remain with Yoga on the screen
Inclined viewer keep their mind and body clean.
The Corruption fight has to go on for long
Let no politics and religion enter with their song.Part 2.
Baba sulking at Hardwar
Anna declares open war.
UP under hundred forty four
Baba stopped and could go no more.
Digvijay screaming = he is a thug
RSS gives Baba a hug.
Govt is rather silent on this
Except Kapil's minor hiss.
TV Channels all crying hoarseSonia looking for a new course.Baba says he is like Shivaji
Trying to flee in dress of Bahenji.
Big scams like 3G, 2G and CWG
And now we have to deal with Babaji.No issues with the corruption cause
The self egos make intelligence take a pause!!
Sphere: Related ContentSaturday, June 4, 2011
The Day before!!!
Government playing funny games
Baba's tamasha going up in flames.
Lathi charge on sleeping folks
Admin killing supporters hopes.
Baba now in Hardwar
Kiran, Anna should stay afar.
Baba needs to come clean for sure
Govt need not have been so immature.
Common Public is always gullible
Suffer from dilemma on what’s feasible.
Baba should remain with Yoga on the screen
Inclined viewer keep their mind and body clean.
The Corruption fight has to go on for long
Let no politics and religion enter with their song.
Sphere: Related ContentMonday, May 23, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
The Laptop Salesman
I decided to buy one and and the first step I took was to go through the renowned companies websites about the latest models and their basic features. I also did a fair amount study on the net reading up reviews by different magazines knowing fully well that they are always biased more often than not. So armed with some reasonable homework and shortlists I first visited a well know retailer here in Kuwait.
I went round the shelves and laptops on display and could find none of the models shortlisted. The explanation was that they were yet to be introduced in this market, or they were not meant for this market, or they are now obsolete or whatever other reasons you could think of.
Having resigned to the fact that I have to depend on market availability I sought help of a salesperson. The conversation as follows:
SP: So what exactly are you looking for?
Me: Err, I was uh. looking for a laptop.
SP: Do you have any choices?
Me: (I took out my pocket notebook)..uh...well none of them are here.
SP: So what kind of a model are u looking for?
Me; Meaning? I want a reasonable laptop.
SP: I know. (Thanks a lot!!). Which company?
Me: Maybe HP, Dell. Lenovo?
SP: Why don't you try Asus?
Me: (Then why did yo ask me) Well I am not sure, soooooo.
SP: Why don't you see this one . Its an I3, 2 Gig, 500 SATA, in built webcam, 512 Nvidia, and we are giving you a bag free!!! Price XXX.
Me: The display is a bit small.
SP: Oh, you did not tell me.
Me; You never asked!!
SP: We have this bigger display and this is really selling sir. HP 15.6 inches, I5 Chip, 500 SATA, 3 GIG and SAME PRICE!!!
Me: Then why didn't you offer me this one before!!
SP; The earlier one came with a bag also sir!!
Me; Thanks for your help. And by the way what's difference between I3 and I5.
SP: Sir I3 and I5 not much of difference.
Me: But the two models you showed me...the clock speeds were different too!!
SP: That won't make so much of a difference!!
Me: Thanks for your help!!
I was seemingly confused and imagined how a normal customer without any knowledge of PCs would be a taken by this massive misdirected ride by the SPs. They would hound him with I3/I5s and I7s, throw in some Gigs(Giga Ram memory), and some other technicalities leaving the extremely confused as ever.
The next stop was at a major electronics special store and the conversation went somewhat similar to the eaelier one except that I was enlightened with some more details like AMD chip, Radeon vs Nvidia Graphic Card, USB 3.0 vs USB 2.0 and more.
But basically all these technical innuendos determined my resolve to crack them quickly so that I could have my product in hand the next day!! The next few hours at home had me searched through Chip sites, Chinese reliability, video cards and their errors, and all other such concerns.
So I had decided on what I wanted and then when I went next day to some other showrooms I finally got extremely confused on Prices, Model Nos like 57xgtuJ vs 88789PC vs GTYPP98. Why can't the manufacturers keep the model names simple!!
I finally gave up and called my knowledgeable friend and told him that these are the things I want my machine to do. Not hang(too much to ask!!), reasonable graphics for amateur photo editing, would still be under Microsoft OS(purely becos this was cheaper :-P), good amount of storage, some gaming and Office 2007!!! I got my answer in 5 minutes and I was crystal clear on what I needed to buy. I wish the Salesperson behaved more like a consultant in these showrooms rather than hounding poor customers with technical mumbo jumbo. Are these the type of Sales Reps companies want at their front ends!! Sphere: Related Content
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Silly Points - ICC World Cup 2011
Not that I haven't watched Cricket Tournaments earlier and especially the enjoyable ones where we won - Like the Benson & Hedges WSC held in Australia in 1985/86 and of course the World Cup 1983 in England and a few other championships here and there. But I felt that this one was special. The World Cup 2011 was special. As a country we had done well in Tests and we had done well in the various One Days too in the last couple of years. But this one was a biggie and we were supporters carrying this huge baggage of emotions.
I went through this nervous tension in every game we played right from the first one held at Mirpur. As it is I need a blood pressure medication whenever Sehwag bats and then when he went on for such a long time, it was a palpable situation. Some how the strain and anxiety took its toll over the last 50 days or so as we progressed from match to match and as usual we saw doom for no reason, when we fell to SA. Exceptions prove the rule and that loss gave us new resolve to get on with it.
The last three matches have been exhilarating, with their ups and downs and fortune changes. We prevailed and we all played some part positive except perhaps Sreesanth. No harsh words for him, but perhaps arrogance is the reason that is behind his failure. Dhoni is good, in fact an excellent captain though I would still disagree with a few decisions he has taken. He coming in at 3rd down in the final was however a brilliant, brave and responsible decision.
The emotions finally gave away when MSD hit that six and all Indians like me were overjoyed with this virtual orgasm of glory. The group photographs, the uncorking of champagne bottles, the victory lao are all vignettes floating by since yesterday evening and would stay for some time to come. And a complaint to MSD - do come forward for group pics - you deserve it.
And then I remember the corrupt top of the BCCI and the ICC. God help us from them.
I also don't grudge the money committed to cricketers but i would have preferred that the extra funds being announced should rather go to deserving cricketers trying their hand in the state competitions and the Ranjis. We need more MSDs from Ranchi and perhaps Tonk or Dondaicha. Those are the places we want to hear of.
And now on to IPL, but trust me, its not the same thing!!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
XLRI 55th Convo - Distinguished Alumnus Award - A quich sojourn to Jamshedpur (26th March, 2011)
Early morning on the 27th, Sanjoy, Ajay, KD, NS Muthu, me and Jaspal the Great met at the Guest House of SCB for a cup of tea and then we set off for Jamshedpur. The first halt for food was at Shere Punjab near Kolaghat a place between Kharagpur and Kolkata. The menu was interesting...please do notice the first headline on top on RED. What does that mean?!!
We finally reached Jamshedpur at about 3 PM before another halt for natural biological reasons.
We started searching for Rolls and Milk Shakes. Neither happened and we landed up in Kwaility and then the MDP at about 4 PM barely giving us time to occupy our seats at 4.45.
Thanks to Jaspal, we had all confirmed bookings and we suddenly saw Vineet Nayyar emerging from a room in the same block. Later on when we saw the program, we came to know the reason behind his arrival.
The auditorium was chock-a-bloc, with passing out graduates, their families and friends, and lots of other people and a few press guys. Muthuraman the Chairman of the Board of Governors spoke and then relinquished his post, the new one being Nerurkar, MD of Tata Steel. You would be pleased to know that both Vineet and Jaspal are now members of the board.
The graduation ceremony was long that was preceded by the Convocation address where Vineet advised the new graduates to be “catalysts of change”. He also said that risks should be taken and advised them to fly!!
We were however sitting quietly when the moment for Jaspal arrived. While he walked onto the stage I ran through the middle of the aisle to capture the moments. Jaspal’s speech was brief but it was humbling when in the midst of his encouraging words he suddenly acknowledged us five sitting in the middle and the whole auditorium turning around to see us!! I wish we were more of us from XI 84 present there!! It was like basking on your friends glory and we did get a tan!!!
The evening dinner at Muthuman’s bungalow was fabulous. All the students were invited there along with the faculty and it was a grand affair.
The night was of course a long session like we had when we were there in 2009 with Jaspal, Vineet, us and a few others again engaged with tales, gossip and lot of single malt!! Adieu!!