Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Dubai Drivers

I cannot yet drive in Dubai due to my status and other technical reasons but that does not stop me from commenting on the state of the traffic and the people who drive on the roads. Dubai happens to be a melting pot of all types of nationalities but the population is primarily dominated with people from the Indian Sub-Continent. You would also find Americans, Europeans, Egyptians, Lebanese, Moroccans, Africans and of course the local citizens. Coming back to the point, you would accept that due to this diversity, the concoction of driving habits do show up on the road if you are keen to observe that is.

I come from Delhi, and the habit of people there is to trample you on the road. From one signal point to another, it’s a formula one race!! It’s no different in Dubai irrespective of the background.

Instead of being verbose, let me put down my top ten:

1. Most drivers in Dubai use their mobile phones while driving. The majority of them do not use hands free equipment. This is irrespective of background and origin.
2. A few I have seen and also travelled with do not use Seat Belts.
3. Children are carried on laps in the front seat.
4. Switching lanes constantly is a way of life.
5. Given a chance, a driver would cross speed limits. They slow down in areas where cameras have been installed and once they pass it, they would again break the rule.
6. Hardly any zebra crossings for long stretches and no other mode of crossing the road too for pedestrians.
7. Scant regard for fuel economy. People keep car engines running when stationery. The trend is to buy 4WD cars just for status.
8. People willing to fool the cameras, drive on the 3rd lane and then speed, especially on S Zayed Road.
9. The driving lessons are forgotten and people drive like as before and if not caught, people are willing to break the rules.
10. When signal turns green to yellow, drivers speed up instead of actually doing the exact opposite.

There could be more, but between you and me, if these can be taken care of we would have won a war.

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