Friday, April 11, 2008

Saturday Egg Canape

This is Chaitali's favourite and I do surprise her with this when I arrive with a few of these and a hot cup of tea and wake her up from her post afternoon siesta on a lazy Saturday.

It goes like this.

1. Take three eggs and beat 'em up. I typcially discard two yolks. So if you require more volume lets say I would suggest throwing away 2/3rds of the number of yolks.
2. Do add some hot pepper and salt to the mix.
3. To make it real hot I sometimes add those Mexican Red Chillies grated into tiny bits. A bengali could be advcnturous in using Dhani Lanka(small dwarf chillies violet-black in colour-abundant in West Bengal, India).
4. Add some milk to the same mix.
5. Beat up the mix to a nice consistency. To beat use a fork or those hand blenders...that would ensure that enough air is taken in by the mix.
6. Heat oil(depends on your tolerance levels) in a sauce pan and once smoking switch off the burner.
7. Pour the mix in the oil and keep stirring.
8. Do not leave the counter and while stirring keep watching the process of solidification.
9. The mix would slowly convert from its liquidy texture to a semi solid soft stuff and then it would have arrived at the "done" state. You might have to switch on the burner once in a while to maintain the heat..but not too much!!! Once done....keep it fact transfer the "scrambled eggs" in a separate container.
10. Take square slices of bread and cut them into smalletr squares of four!!
11. Pre heat an oven and toast the bread pieces. You could even fry them like croutons but then its again a question of your tolerances on oil consumption.
12. Anyway once done, take a spoon and place reasonable amount of the soft scranbled egg on each bread piece.
13. Thats it and I can assure you that it won't be unlucky for you inspite of the number of this statement. Sphere: Related Content

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