Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mumbai Terror 26th November 2008 - What Next?

Last few days I was glued to the television broadcast and it was all about the Mumbai Terror Attack. I have been thinking of writing my thoughts on it but then the developments at South Mumbai kept my desire at bay.
The operation was over yesterday and I will not delve into what exactly happened since there is anyway enough in the media and the net. I just wanted to capture some thoughts here for the sake of myself given the extremely poor readership of my blog.

The Background:
Terrorists came by sea route from Karachi to Mumbai. Entered two luxury hotels and a building where Jews were staying. Kept people on hostage, killed them, damaged property and managed to keep Mumbai out of action for 3 days. Finally the commandos captured one of them while the balance were shot. More than 200 innocents dies while scores were injured.
My thoughts on the issue:
What should the authorities do?
1. Sack the Home minister (This has been done).
2. Sack the Maharashtra Chief Minister and Home Minister (This is yet to be done).
3. Make the police professional autonomous bodies without ANY political interference in their work. A zero interference policy needs to be followed.
4. Make crime/terrorism related laws same all over the country. This different strokes for different folks does not work and created confusion.
5. Create a National Anti Terrorism squad with a Hub and Spoke concept throughout the country. They should own and have full control over logistics.
6. The security cover for politicians and dignitaries should be a state and center subject for their respective state and Central Government. NSG should be transformed into the agency suggested in Point No. 5.
7. Have civilian participation in policing. Community policing with prpper training and methods and ammunition should be given.
8. Have a proper communication channel for all the intelligence units. Maybe have specialized units for terror related intelligence.
What should the media do?
1. Have regular debates and discussions on terror related issues.
2. Have journalists follow up on all the old promises to soldiers, policemen and others who have shown bravery and follow up on those cases. The delivery is important and not the promise.
3. Create chapters and forums in each town where media meets civilians and account for the deliveries the local politicians have made.
4. Be impartial while showing, printing and moderating.
5. Do not play the religion game and fall flat on your face and be careful.
I am sure we will change and lets change now. Sphere: Related Content

1 comment:

  1. Indeed very good and must do suggestions... but all what needs to be done to stop/ have a check on terrorism in future..
    but wat abt a response to what has already happened? what should India do in response to this inhuman event conducted by pak supported terrorists? should we not give them an answer and declare war against pak? tihs is high time many more such attacks we want them to do before we go on a war...
