Sunday, January 10, 2010

General Saturday Musings!!

Managing photographs is not easy and when you have a digital camera in hand the process of elimination I think is of prime importance. That's what I was doing yesterday trying to sort out them I am far from reaching the end.

The XL 84 meet is still hovering in the mind and I reckon thats a good thing to happen. I think next time we have to ensure that the guys who missed this time are available for sure the next time. Unless there is some emergency or some other critical issue, nothing should hold us back for that meet, wherever it may be.

In fact now that I attended the XL meet, I pity myself and not making for my School Silver Jubilee. So many memories and keeping them alive is perhaps one of the better ways of managing the current life. This is not really about clinging on to the past but its like being constantly aware of one's foundation and basking in its glory. As we grow older perhaps friends become fewer but after this meet I realised that if you want to nurture and maintain links, you can and you should. No excuses should be acceptable to your own conscience. Charity starts at home I guess!!

While Alumni can do a lot with donating money, I also think they could contribute on various events and occasions under the institute'e umbrella. In this meet from the institute's side there was only asking the alumni to donate money while, I thought that the participation process and where-with-all was entirely missing on those fronts.

The New Year in Kuwait was somber compared to other countries because atleast you do not encounter too many drunk drivers on the road. Of course prudes might say, that the local populace anyway drive like drunkards. After driving in the UAE I do feel so, and I think that the local authorities are not so efficient as the UAE in terms of adminstration of driving licenses and road rules!!

Kuwait does not have liquor, but I have been told that people have "barrels" of wine in their back homes. The dichotomy of so many life issues in this part of the world amazes me. Not that India is one big liberal country and we have enough of these concepts with us too. Like not eating Non-Veg at home while eating the same in friends homes and restaurants! Ridiculously opportunistic behaviour!!

I have taken up a house in a place called Jabriya where the houses are mostly 2-3 stories. This is unlike Salmiya where you would find mostly multistoried apartment buildings. I was staying in the latter earlier. Salmiya has a particular Block, No. 10 to be precise -- that is dominated by Indians of all types. I guess the clan feeling in a faraway land comes into play here other than of course the convenience of staying near a store that can serve you "curry leaves" at 11 in the night when you are in the need for it!!! We thought we could do with some advance planning and get those "curry leaves" if at all that is, and decided to take house anywhere. This may not have gone down well with some of our local acquantainces but then availability was also an issue. The new area is growing on us and actually we seem to be liking it and personally I can manage in not seeing a fellow Indian throughout the day. Lest you understand me wrong, what I mean is that I am open to any kind of neighbours!! Sphere: Related Content

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