Saturday, August 7, 2010

God's are Giving Up

Some random confused thoughts have been coming and as they come I am just recotding them. There is no logic or consistency in these and that's a forewarning for anybody who is willing to read this. You are safer if you don't.

I have this uncanny feeling that as a person I am utterly selfish. I am not talkng about material benefits or wants but rather about the more basic mental DNA. I always seem to search for happiness and I feel simce everything is life is an equation, if I am happy then somebody must have lost some happiness. We all know about the Win-Win concepts. I somehow feel that every outcome is a win or lose situation. In the jungle world we know that might is right, the natural chain of food are all part of a larger supply chain. Are'nt we as human beings also part of the same jungle.

Would you thibk that today;s business principles are based on selfish-ism? Competition more often than not is front faced rather than solid background detailing.

I tend to think that most business decisions are based on petty political considerations rather than since business understanding. The percentages speak for themselves. Most businesses fail, most projects over spend and are delivered late, most often than people bother about management process without thinking of an efficient delivery. Most often than not incompetent CEOs and stooges run businesses. Most often than not somebody is out there to con somebdoy else.

Have you ever been a genuine well wisher? Have you cared about people who suffer? Do we care? We don't, simply because there is no time for us. We are busy working for the faulty economic system (because we have to) to maintain our daily bread and the future bread. Under the pressures of economy, religion, society...I am lost. I am tired. I want to be happy and therefore I am selfish. Why should I care a damn!!

The ramblings can go on and on. But you would perhaps read this on your Personal Computer and in an air conditioned room on an bed and chuckling about the nonsensical words that I have put together, while as I speak a terrorist somewhere is planning to kill somebody else for salvation and somebody else perhaps is still lost in the floods. Too many things, Too many events. And I have this feeling that the Gods are giving up on us. Sphere: Related Content

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