Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Delhi University cut off - 100% - Joke? Bad System?

We can have umpteen debates on marking standards/systems or others. But to me the question is of demand and supply. The system has not taken care of:

1, No. of Quality educational institutions commensurate with growth of population.

2. It is a leftist comment, but to me basic education should be state sponsored with possible JVs with the private sector. Higher Education should be opened up liberally with controls.

3. Pay scales of teachers/profs should be on par.

And on a more social note, we are taught about class divides right from childhood. Rich vs Middle vs Poor. Reg Medium vs English Medium. Municipal Schools, Convent Schools, Private schools. Castes, race, language....we are confused adults providing opinions with huge brain backlogs.

We need some manthan(churn) in our minds. Pray for it, at least!!

Everything in this country, you have to look further and implement your policies now. Short cuts never work and never will. Imagine the plight of the institution. How will they evaluate? Another alternative is to start separate entrance exams. But that's just putting another hurdle to cross a faulty hurdle.

Marking systems in our country except perhaps literature or subjects like that is based on theory and not applicability of theories in real life, Project based work should be emphasized on. Not a system where at the end of 2-4-6 whatever years you go and vomit stuff.

There are multiple issues and eery one them you have to think through. We always compromise with the "jugad" mentality and that our major problem!!

We can also talk about criteria of selection, So when SRCC for example is taking in students for Commerce and Accounts how does it matter whether I have really mastered Macbeth or not!!

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