Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mud Rocks while Brook Shields

We all watched Reality TV at its best today evening as it was being played out in the British Parliament located near WaterLoo station in Central London. The motley crew of well prepared British MPs grilled the Murdochs for about two hours or more along with Rebekkah Brooks. Earlier we also saw the Police Commissioner deceiving the team with uhs and oohs and a lot of Negatives.

The questions were quite relevant and tricky but at the end of it the performance was of an extreme high order. The Senior Murdoch thumped the table and denied most of the allegations and suppositions. The Son you could make out was well trained to try and divert most questions or beat around the bush and he did manage that except for a few small hiccups. The commissioner was blatantly lying while Brooks knew nothing at all.

Why was this important in the first place? First of all it was in an alien country and it was all about a racy tabloid that apparently bribed the police for hacking phones and computers of celebrities and others to expose private sleaze. We were of course interested since these things happen in India too and that’s the similarity. More than anybody else it was the Press who were in focus themselves.

Debates were on throughout the evening on how are JPC proceedings should also be telecast. I feel they should so that a) preparation is proper b) relevant questions are asked c) the proceedings are objective and we as common man can then absorb and think and judge or opine about our leaders. This would be an important democratic process where we as Mango People (Aam Janta) can be actively participating and not wait for 5 years like dumb asses.

I always feel that the process is more important than the outcome. We all know about the outcome whether positive or negative but the process is where we go through the cycles of success and failure which is KARMA.

So it is really not important to me that we did not get any answers from the Murdoch’s and their team. Now that we have seen the act, don’t we know the “truth” in some form in spite of the investigations still due.

And somebody did raise the question about the pie throwing incident being a setup!! Anything is possible these days. Surprises are the order of the day.

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1 comment:

  1. So THIS is what everyone has been talking about for the past few days !! I've not watched any telly; have briefly seen tweets about Murdoch and for the life of me couldn't figure out what was going on as I have been so swamped with work that haven't even checked out the papers !
