Sunday, March 22, 2009

My Comments on Reality Televison on We The People, NDTV

Reality TV is not necessarily voyeuristic. Its the ''type'' of show that is of concern. As always there is always a good and bad in everything and that is judged by the societal norms of our surroundings. You have to admit that these rules are ever evolving and beyond your control. Human beings given the complex minds that we have cover the full extremes of positive and negative of morality(that itself is vague by definition).

Parenting and education are the control mechanisms when somebody is young. The law and societal rules are the control mechanisms when you are an adult. The problem is that in every sphere we absolve of or do not perform our responsibilities. So OK should have refused the coverage contract of Goody but they did not. Similarly a mother gave too much of pocket money to a child when that was not required.

You and I cannot define these. But that's how human culture evolves and only time will tell whether civilisation is marching towards doom or ever better future.

Media events are a reflection of our society.Good debate is good for the mind, but you and me do not have the powers on how humans will behave in the future. Morality is relative and its all a cycle. The word freedom can be interpreted in different ways and that's what is going to count in the future. Unfortunately, neither you nor I or for that matter anybody else will have a definitive answer.

The human laws unfold over time and always spring a surprise on older generations. Sphere: Related Content

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