Monday, September 22, 2008

My tryst with DIY

The concept of DIY always intrigued me but being a resident of India most often than not you always get help at a very economical price. The outcome is that you never get to practice it. Have stayed in Korea and Japan and now Dubai has changed my mind set. The wallet also is no longer considerate in these cities for spending on help for stupid things.

Since one of the important tasks in hand was to fix nails on the wall I ventured and found out that the local carpenter would charge a bomb and getting one was not easy either. Tinni however insisted that we need to get these done quickly without which the décor of the house was rather incomplete. I could not agree more.

So there I was visiting ACE a big DIY supermarket in Dubai and was frankly quite overwhelmed. Being an amateur in the subject matter I quickly summoned for help since the agenda was to invest in a drill. I had done my profitability calculations and discovered that I rather have a capital investment done instead of spending on mundane operating cost alone. So there I was trying to imbibe the knowledge that the salesperson was giving me on drills. It was basic but I found the same enough for my need of the hour. I bought a Bosch drill and along came a free ratchet screwdriver with 32 free bits enabling me to screw anything(AHEM!!).

So there I was back home, Tinni ready with all the paintings and masks and one by one I went creating holes and then putting in screws. Then came the hanging the painting and the balancing act. By the way, there were some calculations to be done on hole placement too.

Since now I am an expert you could call me if you are interested, what would you say…Come for a screw up….that does not sound correct for sure!! Sphere: Related Content

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