Monday, February 9, 2009

Dubai Accidents

There isn't a single day these days when the morning news papers in Dubai are not without a report on some accident or the other along with some related deaths. Who knew that this would be their last day on Earth when they came out for work early morning.

I have been talking about Road Rage, Driving Etiqettes and so on and so forth but then a) nobody reads my blogs and b) even if they do would they change and c) would they really want to change.

Today morning on Emirates Road I saw a Toyota Corolla swerving from one lane to another at speeds higher than 120 kmph without signals and taking other motorists by surprise. In another occasion on Beirut Road today a Hummer was bullying an Yaris while the latter was driving at 80 kmph there which is the speed limit!!

We talk about authorities patroling the streets but that's only one part of the solution. Driving licenses when awarded must judge the skills rather than be dependant on the examiners mood swings!! To give you an example, a colleague failed his road test for the fourth time(what's new you would say..). But this is not about him. In the same car there were four examinees. One of them while starting the car had the hand breaks on. It took some time for him to realise this and then he released the brake with his feet on the accelerator pressed and the car jumped and tyres screeched. This is the guy who passed out of the four!!

Then comes of course your inherent respect for other fellow human beings. But that's being too idealistic I guess. History does not support this and I am sure the future would be pretty much the same. Prejudices, hatred and selfishness of human beings are the main risks facing the Almighty in HIS project named EARTH LIFE.

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