Sunday, June 10, 2012

Coq a Vin - My version

Main Item:

Mix of Chicken Breasts and Legs  – 1 Kg


Make some incisions in the meat with a toothpick or sharp pointed thingy
Place it in a bowl.

Take the following ingredients in a sauce pan:

250 ml Red Wine
1 Onion cut into slices
1 Carrot cut into slices
2 whole smashed Galrlic cloves
A few Black Peppercorns

Bring this to a boil and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Set aside and cool. Once done,  pour this marinade into the bowl of chicken. Now drizzle about 1 tbsp of olive oil, cling the bowl and refrigerate for about 12 – 15 hours.


Take out the chicken from the bowl and keep it aside. Separate the vegetables and the liquid and store them.

Take about 300 grams of bacon, cut them in bits and fry them. Once brown and crispy, set the bits aside and let the fat extract remain in the Sauce pan used for frying them.  Now fry the chicken browning them all around and set aside.

In the same fat, stir fry about 20-30 pieces of button mushrooms (cut into two or four pieces), a few pieces of whole garlic cloves and set aside.

Keep about 2 tbsp of fat in the pan and discard the rest.  Heat up the oil and add some chopped garlic and stir them until done.  Add back the vegetables from the marinade and stir on low heat until they are kind of soft.  Throw in about 2tbsp of white flour and brown the stuff. Then add the marinade liquid and, about 250 ml of chicken stock the vegetables that you had set aside and bring to a boil.  Put in those chicken pieces and simmer until chicken is done.

Take out the chicken. In the remnant gravy put in the Mushrooms and the Bacon bits and convert the gravy to a thick consistency. Add back the chicken and ensure that everything is mixed up properly. Serve on a plate with sautéed boiled baby potatoes!!
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