Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Spear My Chicken

Spear my Chicken!!

Sautéed Asparagus is great hit at home and then you when you mix some chicken with it we land up with this produce. First I would go to the Super market or the local meat fella and get some boneless chicken organised and of course some asparagus spears of the thinner variety.
I insist that you get hold some malt vinegar or balsamic vinegar. Not those white ones produced from distilleries named as Acetic Acid!!

The rest of the stuff I am presuming you have at home.

For a 3-4 people get hold of 6 pieces of Boneless Skinned Chicken Thigh Portions. You could use breasts too but when chicken I like thighs (no aspersions on my character please).

Fillet the Chicken yourself into 1 inch pieces. Width should be about 0.5 inches. You could borrow that plastic scale from your progeny and then use and wash it give it back. You would then marinate the chicken pieces for about 2 hours with about 3 Tbsp of Vinegar, 2 tsp of pepper powder and a bit of salt.

In the meantime don’t leave the kitchen. Rather get organised for the immediate future with the following:
3 Spring Onion Sticks
8 Baby Corn Sticks cut into half
30 grams Slivered Roasted Almonds
10 cloves of Garlic (Chop Chop Chop)
4 Tbsp of Light Soya Sauce
1 Tbsp of Fish Sauce

That was done in about 27.5 minutes and now you need to get away to read a book or watch Television or plain and simple worry about other minor details in life. Or organise your cereals.

After precisely 92.5 minutes the kitchen beckons you: “Come on baby Light my Fire!!”

Take out that wok you had purchased but never used. Surely not that frying pan that you use for everything you cook. Pour that Olive Oil into it and then when reasonably hot (not smoking hot) stir fry the chicken pieces in 3 batches - 3 minutes (max) per batch max.

After setting aside the last batch of the kind of glowing chicken, throw those crushed or chopped Garlic into the oil. Sauté for a minute and make sure they are not brown. If they are, I am watching you!!

Next, in goes the chopped spring onions and then you stir the stuff for a minute or so. Then goes in the asparagus and baby corn; your hand constantly stirring the lovely stuff. Two minute later the chicken goes in too. 90 seconds later the climax sequence starts.

Put in the pepper powder, Soy Sauce and Fish Sauce one after another in any random order and stir again. (What a pain in the hand?) The almonds please, why forget them?

Two minutes later, you are done. Transfer into that glass bowl gifted to you but never used it earlier.

And all this while I hope you did not forget your cereals. Steamed Rice, Fried Rice or for that matter some noodles. Slurp!! Slurp!!
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