Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Vegetarian(????) Frittata

Vegetarian Frittata

Chop Spring Onions…Greens and Whites separate. Meaning separate them before and chop them up …blah blah blah. Green Capsicums, cut into small strips. If you are fond of Holi, go ahead and use red and yellow ones too. Grate Amul Processed Cheese. The firangs out here could use whatever brand – I don’t want to bother myself with that. Slice some potatoes…thinny round/square thingies.

Boil the potatoes in salt water…not too soft…not too hard…u know what I mean.

Now sauté the potatoes in oil (for the utterly health conscious use olive oil) . In goes the spring onion whites. Stir nicely and gently. Last goes the capsicum and 20 seconds later you are done. Now mix some salt and pepper to taste and set aside.

Beat eggs with some milk. Say 8 eggs and a half cup of milk and some chopped green chillie. Mix salt and beat until you count 137.

Get hold of a fire friendly and oven friendly pan/casserole…whatever. Put it on medium flame and heat up some oil and some butter. Pour in half of that egg mix. Reduce heat and cover. Let the liquid turn semi solid. Switch off the flame. Now spread the potato mix on top. Take a cheese slice, tear it into pieces and drop them over the veggie layer.

In the meantime, pre heat the Oven to 160 d C. Pour the balance egg mix in the pan/casserole and spread the grated cheese and bake it for hmmmm…20 minutes. Keep a check. Too much and then you might have to start all over again and who wants that. You would find that the stuff has solidified but the centre would be still kind of soft and liquidy. Switch off the oven and turn on the grill now. Wait till the top is brownish…not too much!! Done!!!

Take the vessel out of the oven. Use a knife and ensure that the frittata sides are freed. Flip over a plate and then flop on to the final serving plate. Cut with a sharp knife just like you would cut cakes and the rest do I need to tell you.

By the way, what’s so vegetarian about this one? I actually bought some eggs produced by some vegetarian hens!! You have any better ideas?
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