Monday, February 27, 2006

Mindless Banter Again

I have stayed in Tokyo for a while and a find a lot of differences between Koreans and the Japanese. To begin with I feel Koreans are more open to speaking English than the Japs. The youngsters here are not shy at all in trying to speak English though I find the middle aged a bit reserved. Interesting to note is that most of the people here can easily read and write english, but its the spoken form which becomes an issue.

On differences, I feel that the Koreans are capable of eating spicier(hot) food than the Japs.Also the former definitley eat more vegetables than their esrtwhile counterparts. The Japanese specialities vis-a-vis Koreans are a seperate story. I will cover that some other time,since now I am bored with this topic which I have started.

I sometimes wonder why there are so many English Teachers from the US of A rather than UK or other countries out here in Korea. Personally somehow I prefer the Britsh accent and thats the reason I like watching BBC rather than CNN. I always wanted to know the reason for the Americans to roll their Rs and add nasal twangs here and there. And then ofcourse we have our fellow Indians who perhaps stay in a foreign country(does not matter-it could be Bangladesh for all I care) and will return back with a pseudo-American accent!! Ofcouirse these days you have the split personalities working in the thousands of call centres in India.

Somehow cooking is an area of interest so pardon me if related banter happens frequently in my pieces. Since the mouse is in your hands you could always shift your focus elsewhere. I was talking about cooking and yesterday I finally ate the Pork Vindaloo cooked last Sunday. It was fantastic and was really proud to churn out this dish. The pity is that I could share it wth no one, There is still some left in my refrigerator, but my Indian friends do not eat Pork, God bless them. Devil is on my side as per them.

Today I saw an item in the newspaper where Animal activists have questioned the Government of India's decision to cull the thousands of chicken in an inhuman manner. My english is poor, but that statement provokes me to think regarding humane killings. What possibly could be a humane way of killing. Gas Chambers? We need to have a dialogue with the chickens as to what do they feel?

Coming to think about killings i remember a quotation by somebody. When you kill a person, you are a murderer. When you kill a lot of people, you are a conqueror. Finally, when you kill enmass in the name of religion, you are acting on behalf of GOD!! What a cruel guy/gal he/she must be, our GOD!!!
That takes me to another point. Why does'nt God just annihilate these guys who carry out violence in the name of God. The humans are taking God for a big ride!!!!! Sphere: Related Content

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