Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Royal Cuisine Experience in Korea House, Seoul

I quite often visit the Korea National Tourism website and a few weeks back there was an announcement that I found interesting enough. Korea House had planned for a Royal Cuisine experience. They would conduct a “try your hands” session where you could perhaps learn a bit about the “Royal” dishes. I called Korea House, and thankfully somebody answered in English. I made a reservation with the understanding, which was confirmed on the call, that there would be English guides too.

On a perfect Sunday, I got ready early and took a bus from my place to Korea House located very near Myongdong. Incidentally, Korea House traditionally holds dinner cum concert shows for tourists foreign or Korean. So I landed up at the scheduled time and was trying to look for other faces who perhaps had come for the same experience.

I saw a gal and a guy (later I learnt that they were from English Teachers from Canada, now in Bucheon) who had already figured out the final destination!!! I introduced myself and latched onto them and when we reached the reception they gave us two very helpful pieces of information:

a) No English Guide or Translations
b) The two dishes were Octopus Kimchi and a Porridge

To be honest with you, I thought of walking out but the Devil in my mind imposed that I stay back!! Anyway, there was a motley crowd of about 30 people. Most of them Koreans, One Indian, Canadians and some from the US were the pupils ready to go. There was a camera with me, but how I would click and cook was a different proposition.

Though it was in Korean, we could overall make out what was expected. We were divided into teams and we went about our job of cutting, washing, mixing, stirring, and boiling as per directions perfectly. I am not sure whether you would be interested to know the recipes and therefore I will not repeat them here. But I can tell you, that they were not bad at all. We were however expecting something more elaborate and in that sense it was a let down. But we there to make the most out of it.

For my Indian friends, you could do without the Octopus and still the Kimchi would turn out fine. If of course you wanted to know about kimchi, try it in one of those Chinese restaurants back home. Though you would get an apology served, but I guess you would get the general idea.

I did manage to take some photographs of the circus going on inside the kitchen. At the end of the day, it was more fun than anything else and I enjoyed myself to the hilt. Oh, I forgot to mention. I am sure the Kings ate much better than we cooked in terms of quality, quantity and variety!!!!

At the end of the program, a lot of us tried the royal costumes for effect and posed for the shots. I did manage to click some. Coming to think it was an interesting two hours that I would remember. Sphere: Related Content

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