Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Project Management

  1. You cannot produce a baby in one month by impregnating nine women.
  2. The same work under the same conditions will be estimated differently by 10 different estimators or by one estimator at 10 different times.
  3. You can freeze a user's specs, but he won't stop expecting.
  4. Frozen specs and the abominable snowman are alike: they are both myths and they both melt when sufficient heat is applied.
  5. The conditions attached to a promise are forgotten and the promise is remembered.
  6. What you don't know hurts you.
  7. A user will tell you anything you ask - nothing more.
  8. Out of the many possible interpretations of a communication, the least convenient one is the only correct one.
  9. Things take longer than they do.
  10. The first 90% of tasks in a project will consume 90% of the allocated resource. The remaining 10% of tasks in a project will consume the other 90% of the allocated resource.
  11. Nine women CAN have a baby in one month.
  12. A 'piece of cake' is any unit of work, regardless of scope, for which someone else is totally responsible.
  13. A meeting is no substitute for progress.
  14. If you don't know where you're going, any path will get you there.
  15. No matter what has to be done immediately, there is always something else that has to be done first.
  16. Hindsight is the only exact science.
  17. A committee is a group of people that meet for hours to produce a result known as minutes.
  18. Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way.
  19. The proper course of action can always be determined from subsequent events.
    You are most ignorant about a project at the start. That’s when you have to make the most critical decisions on scope, cost, resources and schedules.
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