Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How do we know if there is any Strategy present in a Strategic Plan?

English as a language is ever evolving and words used can be perceived by us in different ways. Vision, Mission, Strategy, Goals, Objectives, Targets, Deliverables, and so on and so forth.

So I could have tactics, but one could also term it as a short term strategy!! Is Mission a Goal? Are objectives met by a strategy or every strategy must have a plan that should include tactics? Vision comes before Mission or vice versa!! Finally everything is relative and depends upon what time frame and accomplishment(oh another new word) we are looking at.

Restricting to the question and using the words listed I would say that a Strategy Plan must have the following:
1. What are we planning to achieve and in what time frame? Why?
2. Is it implementable, actionable on the ground and is the "how" defined and tested.
3. How would you measure the implementation and effort?
4. Is the strategy in sync with the top level areas of Vision, Mission, et al.
5. Is there are a Work breakdown Structure available?
6. Are the resources identified?

A mere Intent white paper is not a Strategic Plan.
However the detailing might differ depending upon which level of the organisation is discussing it. Sphere: Related Content

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