Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Why do organizations emphasize on team work but reward individual contributions more promptly?

1, We do not try.
2. We do not understand team dynamics
3. We almost always commit the same "mistakes" without understanding that they are mistakes.
4. We as a race like the concept of heroes.
5. We still do not understand the power of the "middle". We only reward the top and discard the bottom. And we continue our process with the disgruntled middle.

Managing an organisation is a game all right but not so simplistic. This is a complex process with complex situations and complex answers. So just rewarding a hero is not the answer. It has to be a holistic reward system that motivates the people at all levels. Aspirations could be different in terms or money or recognition or other aspects of life. Very few organisations and the people in it invest time to figure out these issues. Therefore it's good to talk about teams, team recognition and rewards in forums, discussions, blogs et al but when going and acting there is much left to be desired between practical theory and actual practice.”
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