Monday, July 6, 2009

TV News - Rajdeep Sardesai's feelings!!!

The other day I was reading a blog written by Rajdeep Sardesai on TV news and the apparent negatives and positives.

While you would draw your own conclusions, I find the accumulation of words and cases quite amusing. In the sense its like the classic situation of what you preach is not being practiced in action. How silly it is an action when you become a self appointed ombudsman!!


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1 comment:

  1. The frog eyed Rajdeep jumps from his seat when he thinks he's asked an intellegent question. Notice that next time.
    In ancient India most of the raja 0maharajas used to have poets, musicians etc at their darbars. The poets used to write poetry, and the musicians used to sing mainly "maharaj ki shaan mei". Rajdeep reminds me of these people as the chief mediaperson in the Congress darbar.
