Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Musical Bandbox

I remember this name of a Radio Program I used to listen when I was in my teens. This was a Sunday Afternoon Request Program for popular songs and invariably during lunch at home, the radio would be turned on high for pure listening pleasure. Those were my days in Calcutta and its been quite a while. Nowadays I listen to radio, but through the Net and somehow I like to listen to the commentary too. So I have a vast choice of these small time Internet Radio Stations playing some good music.

Now when we talk about good music, the definition could differ person to person. What could be honey for me, could probably turn out to be poison for you. But leaving that comment aside, I seem to like most type of music and when people ask me, my reply doesn’t seem to satisfy anybody including myself!! So what sort of music do I like?

Let me start off with Western Music especially the Non-Classical Ones. These days I am so confused with the genre definitions and classifications that I have basically stopped worrying about that. However when you use the word music, I would like to feel the lilting tunes accompanied with beats. I don’t care too much for songs(sic) where you could just ramble some clever rubbish accompanied with some degenerated beats. Hip-hop enthusiasts, please do pardon me!!!

I am happy to listen to the lilting songs of John Denver, Joan Baez, and even Nat King Cole. I like the simple music of Harry Belafonte and the heavy stuff of The Who and Deep Purple. I am fond of Roger Waters, Queen , Beatles, Bread and so many more. How can I miss Simon and Garfunkel? America deserves mention and so does Genesis. My likes are quite broad-banded and therefore would include the ever so sweet Carpenters and the soulful Ann Murray. Some prudes may blink their eyes if I disclose my likings for Abba or gutsy Madonna for that matter. Even The Bee Gees can brighten up my soul.

But then came the Nineties and I continue to draw a complete blank. My ignorance is possibly bliss in some way, since I just do not have the inclination to hear a Britney Spears or Prince or what have you. That does not mean that in a bar I will not tap my foot to Beyonce or Shakira or somebody else. But that’s a purely temporary phenomenon and I forget them all as fast as they come.

So now you know why my mind goes into a spin when ever I have to talk about the music I like.. I give a damn for genres and the classifications do not bother or affect me. There is trash to be found in all genres and there are examples of brilliance in all.

Now since I have written about the stuff I like, perhaps its time for me now to dim the lights, take a glass of single malt and listen to some jazzy guitar work by Devadip Santana or Al DiMeola. Are you joining me? Sphere: Related Content


  1. Hi Ravi,

    I live here in seoul, I have been reading your blogs. Its been a great insight into the various dimensions of the Life here in Seoul. Nice going, Keep it up.

    Best Wishes

  2. Hi Bharat,

    Thanks for your comments. Hope I am able to retain your interest and do kick me when apt.
