Tuesday, March 14, 2006

T or D?

The Korean language is unique in its own way. I would not get into too much history since enough information would be available on the net and that too knowledge shared by experts. I am definitely not own of them but that does not take away my right to talk about something.

Pronouncing my name is a disaster for most Koreans. They just cannot seem to start off where the word starts with an “R”. So my name Ravi is a funny mix of L and “apology of an R”. I can tell you that no matter how many times you correct them, that’s what will be blurted out. However, when an R comes in later in the word, life is much easier and the correct sound emanates from the mouth. Have you ever found them having difficulty in saying “KOREA”?

Lets talk about the other confusions. Jongno or Chongno? Kwanghamun or Gwanghamun? Tongdaemun or Dongdaemun? Again for example, The D should be as in “PEDRO” or as in “DOOR The Spanish might say, what’s the difference but that’s another story.

Busan or Pusan? I can bet whatever you pronounce; your Korean friend would find it funny. He’s not joking, since it’s neither.

I hailed a cab one morning, and when the cabbie enquired about my destination, I blurted out “Insa-Dong”.

He said “HUH”. So injected some softener in the D and made it lighter as the Spanish would do and uttered the same word. Insaa – “d” ong. What a relief on his face and off we went!!!

I have kind of got used to all this, and nowadays when they call me “LLLLRRRLLLLRRRRAAAVI” I seem to find this absolutely normal!!! So would you!!! Sphere: Related Content

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